Moments From Nature's Secrets

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Mikepércs: At The Pond

Spring has come. The birds have dropped away recently at the feeder, so I wasn't able to photograph them. However I could take my hide to the pond, where I discovered teals, shovelers, garganeys and mallards previously. Unfortunately the coots and the little grebes disappeared, surely for the low water level. But until there is any water in the pond, it must be a nice place.
It's not completely dark when I get to the pond this morning, so my arrival make all the birds fly off. Then after I get into the hide the birds start to come back. First the redshanks land to a distant bank, but they soon come closer and get within shooting distance:


The night has been really cold, even a thin layer of ice has developed on the shallow water, which broke when a redshank landed on it, so the bird had to make some jumps not to sink:


Green sandpipers get closer too:

Green Sandpiper

Then little ringed plovers appear, this brown-white little bird looks nice among the fresh green plants:

Little Ringed Plover

Meanwhile the ducks are coming as well, first a couple of mallards arrive on a distant bank then a flock of garganeys are flying above the pond and after a short time they land on the water farther on. But they are closing! That's great! They seem to be coming to the shore:


Some of them are spending a few minutes on the bank:

Garganey (male)

But they don't stay long, soon they are back on water:

Garganey (male)

As the sunshine is getting stronger, the light conditions are getting worse, so I finish my photography for today.

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