Moments From Nature's Secrets

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Mikepércs: Bearded Reedlings And Bluethroats

The surface of the pondbed doesn't glitter anymore of water which can be favourable for the photos... If there's anything to shoot at.
The water rails make their usual round at the edge of the reed. A small flock of bearded reedlings lands on the wet ground nearby where they are picking something. It's difficult to photograph them because of the reed, but sometimes they come out to the open area:

Bearded Reedling (male)

A few bluethroats are also nearby, one of them finds something for itself in front of me:


It's moving quickly, so I can't follow it properly, I only suppose that it has swallowed the big mouthful:




Alike the bearded reedlings it turns up severeal times nearby:


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