Moments From Nature's Secrets

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Mikepércs: It Came Closer At Last...

The alarm-clock wakes me at 4:20. Looking out of the window I can see some mist outside. Wow! I might have a nice day!
There's even more mist around the pond. I'm worried about the growing water vegetation that could hinder my photography.
Nothing happens for long, I can see only a few ducks in the distance. The little grebes and the coots stay clear of me. The lights become better and better as the rays of sun enlighten the mist above the water beautifully. If only I were near the other bank, where I placed my hide first! Several pochards have gathered there, but sometimes garganeys and ferruginous ducks land there as well. I can't see them well because of the vegetation, but I'm trying:

Pochard (male)

Garganey (male)

The ducks are regularly bundled off by the coots, but they always return. The pochards are chasing each other as well:

Pochards (male)

Suddenly I catch sight of the red-necked grebe! It's not close this time either, but it's here at least! I can hear even its voice many times as it moves on.
As there's nothing else, I try to catch the flying ducks:

Ferruginous Duck (male)

Later something pops up nearby: Oh, it's the red-necked grebe:

Red-necked Grebe

I'm afraid I can't take may shots, it moves on and the vegetation hides it as well :(
At the end of photography I take the hide back, where it used to be hoping to have more themes.

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