Moments From Nature's Secrets

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Făgăraș Mountains Again

In September I took my way to the Făgăraș Mountains again though I was there a month ago. :)

I stopped after Torockó at the Vălișoarei Gorge:

Sitting at one of my favourite places in Făgăraș Mountains:

After two days of sunshine came the rainy, cloudy days:

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Făgăraș And Bucegi Mountains

I spent my end of summer holiday in the Făgăraș and in the Bucegi mountains. The first evening next to the Bâlea Lake:

I went for the sunset on the following days too:

The Vânătarea lui Buteanu peak

After a few days I went to the Bucegi mountains. View from the Omu peak:

Early morning in the Mălăiești valley:

A part of the Towers of Țigănești:

Rainstorm is coming:

Next morning on the ridge:


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

High-Tatras: The Green Lake And Its Neighbourhood

I visited my favourite place in High-Tatras again, the neighbourhood of the Green Lake:

Early morning:

After rain:

This morning the chamois appeared as well:

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Retezat Mountains: Waterfalls Instead Of Rhododendrons

I set out to Retezat Mountains for Rhododendrons but it was over. So I had to be satisfied with waterfalls and lakes:

Lolaia Waterfall

In the "Bad valley":

The Maria-Magdalena waterfall:

Over the Pietrele creek:

Monday, June 17, 2024

Rodna Mountains: Looking For Rhododendrons

This year I visited tha Lala Lakes again hoping to admire the sight of mountain slopes full of rhododendrons.

In the first evening I climbed on the crest and the Ineu peak to admire the sunset. Other people came up here for the same reason:

Next day at dawn:

Sunrise at Big Lala Lake:

I was hoping to see more rhododendron flowers but unfortunately this year they were not in full bloom yet.
I decided not to stay one more night, instead I would go down and visit the Horses waterfall next morning:

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Mikepércs: A Young Blackbird

I have a try at the bathing pool again. The first guest is a great spotted woodpecker, this time a male: 

Great Spotted Woodpecker (male)

Great Spotted Woodpecker (male)

He is followed by a blue tit, ...:

Blue Tit

... then I discover a bird head in the grass behind the pool. It comes closer, I can see that it's a young blackbird. It jumps on the edge of the pool:

Young Blackbird

It's a bit clumsy:

Young Blackbird

After a bath ...:

Young Blackbird

... it leaves.

But the woodpecker returns:

Great Spotted Woodpecker (male)